Love Popcorn Milestone: 1st Birthday!!

I can’t quite believe it but my blog is a year old today!! It has been hard work and I have lost motivation at times, especially when there is a lot of other stuff going on but I have genuinely enjoyed every minute of it. Here’s a little round up of my first year of…

November Wrap-Up

What a month! November saw me go from a Miss to a Mrs, spend a couple of nights sleeping in a treehouse in Wales and getting in touch with my inner princess at Disneyland Paris. Considering I wasn’t organised enough to schedule myself some posts, I’m quite happy with my productivity this month, managing to…

August Wrap Up & September Targets

After a rather slow start, August turned out to be a pretty great month. I was given offered my first collaboration piece, writing a review of the little indie film ‘Woodstock or Bust‘ for TriCoast Entertainment. I started work on my newest feature, catching up on some of the old classics that I have yet…

Love Popcorn Milestone: 100 Posts

When I first started this blog, I had no idea how it was going to go. Would I have anything interesting to say? Would I run out of ideas? Could I balance blogging with life and working full time? Luckily, I kept it up and a couple of days ago, nine months after starting my…

Blogger Recognition Award 2019

Forget the Oscars, it feels as though awards season has come early! Over the last few weeks, I have been lucky enough to receive nominations for three different blogging awards, which is incredibly humbling. It’s amazing to know that people read and like my stuff enough to consider me, especially when there are SO MANY…

Liebster Award 2019

Just knowing that people read your blog is amazing, so receiving an award of any kind is definitely the cherry on top. For this award, I was nominated by the lovely Charli over at Life With Charli, so get on over there and check her blog out. So, what is the ‘Liebster Award’? The Liebster…

Mystery Blogger Award

If you are a member of the blogging community or you have read my Sunshine Blogger Award post then you will already know that there are awards given to bloggers, by bloggers, in recognition of their work. And trust me, there is a lot of time and effort that goes into creating and maintaining a…

Sunshine Blogger Award (Pt. 2)

April 2019 was only my fourth full month of blogging and I was so thrilled to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award not once but twice!! This time I was nominated by @jofalltradesb, make sure you check out her brilliant blog here. In case you missed my first post, the Sunshine Blogger Award is a…

Sunshine Blogger Award 2019

The Easter weekend has been and gone. A beautifully hot and sunny long weekend, and I was at working for all of it. Tuesday comes, and with everyone else reluctantly heading back to work, my days off started…. and the heavens opened. Typical!! However, there was a little sunshine (#sorrynotsorry) in my day, thanks to…