Liebster Award 2019

Just knowing that people read your blog is amazing, so receiving an award of any kind is definitely the cherry on top. For this award, I was nominated by the lovely Charli over at Life With Charli, so get on over there and check her blog out. So, what is the ‘Liebster Award’? The Liebster…

Mystery Blogger Award

If you are a member of the blogging community or you have read my Sunshine Blogger Award post then you will already know that there are awards given to bloggers, by bloggers, in recognition of their work. And trust me, there is a lot of time and effort that goes into creating and maintaining a…

Film Review: Murder Mystery (2019)

I will hold my hands up and admit that all of Adam Sandler’s movies fall very firmly into the B-movie category and Murder Mystery is no exception. However, sometimes a hard-hitting, thought provoking intellectual masterpiece is not what you want when you fancy a good old fashioned duvet day, and in that respects, Sandler is…

Series Review: Stranger Things Season 3

Typically, I am usually a little late when it comes to catching new series; I didn’t get into Game of Thrones until just before the fourth season, I did a massive binge-watch of Vikings ready for season 5 and I hadn’t even heard of Peaky Blinders until last year. But Stranger Things is one that…

Review: Toy Story 4 (2019)

I’m sure I am not alone in thinking that Toy Story 3 was the perfect end to a beautiful and incredibly moving trilogy, so when Pixar Studios announced a fourth installment, I admit, I was both angry and disappointed, thinking Pixar had turned to the cash-grabbing dark side. That being said, there was no question…

Brightburn (2019) Film Review

As some of you may know by now, horror is not my genre of choice but one sure-fire way to pique my interest is to add a superhero element. If you throw James Gunn into the mix then I am sold. As a result, I was quietly excited about Brightburn, which despite being directed by…

Series Review: Chernobyl (2019)

With the final series coming to an end, I was worried that I wouldn’t find anything to fill the Game of Thrones shaped hole in my life, but then along comes writer, Craig Mazin (Hangover 2, Identity Thief) with the hard-hitting HBO mini-series, Chernobyl, which is currently sitting pretty as the highest rated series on IMDB….

Film Review: Aladdin (2019)

If you have read some of my other reviews, you are probably aware that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with remakes and reboots, especially when it comes to live-action remakes of classic animated films. Some have smashed it out of the park (Beauty and the Beast) whereas others have fallen woefully short…

Review: Rocketman (2019)

Given the success of Bohemian Rhapsody last year and the upcoming releases of Judy, Stardust and So Much Love, musical biopics are having their moment in the spotlight. I can assure you though, that no other film you see this year will be as spectacularly flamboyant and entertaining as Rocketman. However, this is a film that…

Series Review: GoT 8.6 – The Iron Throne

I know it’s been a week since the final ever episode of Game of Thrones aired but I have only just got around to writing up my thoughts. To be honest with you, I think I’ve been putting it off in a feeble attempt to deny that the show I love has come to an…

Review: John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum

The first John Wick was one of those films that comes out of nowhere and takes you by surprise, however, I felt the second one was a little lack lustre and, dare I say it, boring. That being said, the third installment in the John Wick franchise was one of Mark’s most highly anticipated films…

Review: Long Shot (2019)

There’s been so much great stuff on TV and Netflix lately that I’ve kind of been neglecting the cinema a little bit. Therefore, I’ve told Mark that this month we need to catch up a little and make up for lost time. With the sun coming out and the weather warming up, there’s nothing better…

Film Review: Hellboy (2019)

When I started writing this post, I was all ready to go on a rant about the lack of originality in cinema these days and how reboots and remakes are saturating the market; but then I took a closer look at my previous posts and of the twenty-two that I have written so far, only…

Film Review: Pet Sematary (2019)

If you’ve read some of my other stuff, you may already know that horror is one of my least favourite film genres. Whilst I do enjoy a good psychological thriller, more often than not horror films have no plot and an abundance of unnecessary jump-scares. Thankfully, the ‘King of Horror’ , Stephen King seems to…

Film Review: Dumbo (2019)

Am I the only one who is getting a little tired of all these live-action remakes of Disney classics? Whilst they are a good way of bringing classic stories to a new audience, a big part of me feels as though these live-action re-imaginings are somewhat undermining the many, many people, with incredible talent and…

March Wrap-Up and April Targets

Looking back, I am surprised and a little disappointed that I only saw four films at the cinema throughout the whole of March, however a full re-watch of both American Gods and Game of Thrones may have had something to do with it. That being said, I still managed to write twelve new posts and…

Film Review: Polar (2019)

Cinema, like all art forms, is subjective and personal, whilst the masses may love a film, you may hate it, or vice versa. The second film in our latest Netflix binge, Polar, is a perfect example of why it is important to take reviews with a pinch of salt, and make up your own mind….

Film Review: Close (2019)

Netflix are continuing to make their mark on the world of cinema. It’s almost impossible just to keep track of all their original releases , let alone finding the time to watch them all, but the other day, me and Mark had a proper sofa day and got through three of them; Close, Polar and…

Film Review: Fisherman’s Friends (2019)

Every now and again, in amongst the Hollywood heavyweights, a quintessential British drama shines like a diamond in the rough, comforting in it’s familiarity like your own bed after a long holiday. Often these films are few and far between but the next few of weeks sees not one, but two British musical dramas hit…

Film Review: Us (2019)

Whilst I love a good psychological thriller, I am not a fan of stereotypical jump-scare films that have little-to-no plot. This means that the horror genre is a little bit of minefield for me, and one that will usually get pushed to the side in favour of a less hide-under-my-coat film. That being said, Jordan…

Film Review: Captain Marvel (2019)

I’ll admit that after eleven years and twenty-one movies, I am starting to get a teensy bit bored of the Superhero genre and I’ve found the last few MCU films a little under-whelming on the first viewing. Couple that with all the hype and focus on finally having a female lead** and I actually went…

Film Review: Isn’t It Romantic (2019)

If you have seen my top ten chick flicks post, then you will probably already have guessed that I absolutely LOVE a good (or bad) rom-com, in fact, the cheesier the better. Unfortunately, in today’s societal climate, admitting to enjoying romantic comedies almost feels like confessing to skinning cats or kicking homeless children. But that…

Series Review: American Gods

American Gods is one of those series that you really want to tell people about but is so difficult to put into words. Adapted from the critically acclaimed Neil Gaiman novel of the same name, American Gods is a twisted blend of fantasy and mythology, a tangled mix of the old and the new. The main storyline…

Film Review: All Is True (2019)

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favour… If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart… If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.” William Shakespeare For some people, the name William Shakespeare conjures up memories of boring English lessons at school, being forced to study texts written in an…

Film Review: Wild Rose (2019)

If you every have the chance to go to a mystery screening, I would totally recommend it. It is the perfect chance to watch something that you would normally pass over. And while you may not always happy with the chosen film, sometimes you are introduced to an absolute gem. For me, Wild Rose was one…

Film Review: The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)

When the idea of a LEGO movie was first announced, there was a feeling that Hollywood were kind of scraping the bottom of the idea barrel. It was a stretch to even imagine how the humble LEGO brick could be turned into a viable concept for a film. Against all odds, The LEGO Movie was a hit…

Film Review: Green Book (2019)

There is a lot of talk online about Green Book being an ‘Oscar-baiting’ film, and that is probably a little true. It does have a lot of the elements that are considered to be typical for films deemed to be playing the Oscars system; a biographical picture that addresses a strong social issue, (in this case,…

Film Review: If Beale Street Could Talk (2019)

Our latest jaunt to the cinema was for another mystery screening, the selected movie this time was If Beale Street Could Talk, the Oscar nominated film from director Barry Jenkins. I’ll be honest, going in I did not really have any idea what this film was about but I had heard a lot of talk about Regina King’s performance…

Film Review: Mary Queen of Scots (2019)

Anyone with even a basic knowledge of British Royal history will know the stories of the Tudors. Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I have almost been done to death by cinema and TV alike. What people may not be familiar with is the story of Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots. I myself remember very little…

Film Review: Glass (2019)

Let me make one thing clear from the beginning, if you are expecting to see a Marvel or DC type of superhero movie, you are going to be very disappointed. This is more of a psychological thriller masquerading as a superhero flick. It’s not about big action sequences, costumes made of spandex and good conquering…

Film Review: Vice (2019)

Our latest jaunt to the cinema was for a mystery movie screening so we had no idea what was coming when the lights dimmed. If you every have the chance to go to a mystery screening, do it. It’s the perfect chance to broaden your horizons and experience something you may normally overlook. This particular…

Film Review: Stan & Ollie (2019)

Before I begin my review of the film, I have to confess, and apologise, for a couple of things.  Firstly – I hate slapstick comedy. I understand why some people enjoy it, it’s pure, simple and silly humour, I just find it a little childish. Ironically, I love a good fart joke! To each, their own I suppose. Secondly –…

Film Review: The Favourite (2019)

Happy New Year Everyone! Can you believe we are already a whole week into the new year?!  I seem to have dragged my feet a little this year but I have finally made it to the cinema and the honour of my first film of 2019 goes to Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite. This is my first encounter…