New Feature: Retro Reviews

Retro Reviews | Love Popcorn

For someone who considers themselves something of a movie fan, I am woefully ignorant to, what some may call, the ‘classics’. Therefore, I will soon be starting a new feature, probably once a month, where I review an older film.

I’ll be honest, I am a little nervous about this idea, as I know that there is an extremely strong possibility that I will not enjoy some films that are treasured and cherished by many, therefore I apologise way, way in advance 🙂

I have set myself a few ground rules to begin with

  1. Should be a first time viewing
  2. Original release should be more than 5 years ago
  3. I must watch until the end, no matter how bad it may be

I already have a ‘to-watch’ list longer than my arm but if you have any recommendations then let me know and I’ll add them to my ever-growing list.

Until next time…. x

24 Comments Add yours

  1. This is a great idea for a series! Looking forward to reading. For me, the 80s was the best era for movies, beyond that (aside from Disney films) I can never get into them

    1. Kirsty T says:

      Thanks. I’m pretty much a noughties onward type girl so it will be good to broaden my horizons a bit.

  2. Keith says:

    Good for you. I’ve been doing Retro Reviews for a while and truly love doing them. It’s especially cool in your case since these will be first viewings! Can’t wait to read!

    1. Kirsty T says:

      You might not be saying that if I don’t like one of your ultimate favourites!

      1. Keith says:

        Just make sure you shape your opinions specifically around what I like and we should be OK. 😂

        1. Kirsty T says:

          I’ll try my best, especially after our small Captain America Vs Iron Man disagreement 😂

  3. justthegameoflife says:

    I love this idea so much! There are so many movies I’ve been wanting to watch and I’ve let YEARS go by without seeing them haha

    1. Kirsty T says:

      Same. There’s films that I know I should have watched by now and I just haven’t. For example I only watched Schindler’s List for the first time this year!

  4. I struggle watch really old films but I wanted to try and watch some of the older zombie films so I am just going to see how it goes.

    As for recommendations, have you seen the Goonies? It is pretty awesome.

    1. Kirsty T says:

      I think I’ve seen part of The Goonies 🙈 I’ll add it to my list.

      I’m worried I’ve left it too long, I have a feeling that a lot of films will not have aged that well.

  5. nsfordwriter says:

    Fab, looking forward to it!
    Which ones are you thinking of… or is it a secret? 😉

    1. Kirsty T says:

      I’m not sure what I’m going to start with yet but films such as Shawshank Redemption, Gone With The Wind, Clockwork Orange, Godfather and Goodfellas are all on the list.

      1. nsfordwriter says:

        Cool 🙂

  6. This honestly sounds like such a fun thing to do! I’m kind of lacking in the classics, but I’ve been trying to watch more lately. I’ll be interested to see which ones you pick to watch and what you think of them!

    Emily |

    1. Kirsty T says:

      I’ve been saying for ages that I need to watch more classics, trouble is when I watch films at home I tend to choose easy going films that I don’t need to pay too much attention to.

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