Winter Wrap-Up

While the UK is preparing the battle stations for storm Jorge, having not quite recovered from storms Ciara and Denis, it is hard to believe that March marks the beginning of Spring. So when you’re chasing your recycling bins down the street, try and remember that warmer days are on their way. Anyways, let the…

Love Popcorn Milestone: 1st Birthday!!

I can’t quite believe it but my blog is a year old today!! It has been hard work and I have lost motivation at times, especially when there is a lot of other stuff going on but I have genuinely enjoyed every minute of it. Here’s a little round up of my first year of…

September Wrap-Up & October Targets

September is over, the summer is now a long distant memory and the Christmas stock has hit the shelves. Is anyone else a little freaked out by how quickly this year has gone? Normally, at this point in the month, I give you guys an overview of the previous month along with some targets for…

June Wrap-up & July Targets

First off, I should apologise to all my followers because June was an absolutely shocking month for movies, with only one trip to the big screen all month!! I think the hot weather went to my head a bit, and I was well and truly in holiday mode. I even missed Dark Phoenix which was…

March Wrap-Up and April Targets

Looking back, I am surprised and a little disappointed that I only saw four films at the cinema throughout the whole of March, however a full re-watch of both American Gods and Game of Thrones may have had something to do with it. That being said, I still managed to write twelve new posts and…