November Wrap-Up

What a month! November saw me go from a Miss to a Mrs, spend a couple of nights sleeping in a treehouse in Wales and getting in touch with my inner princess at Disneyland Paris. Considering I wasn’t organised enough to schedule myself some posts, I’m quite happy with my productivity this month, managing to…

October Wrap-Up & November Targets

Well, I think it’s pretty fair to say that October was slightly more productive than September. I had some good stats on my blog and published twelve posts, with several more in the pipeline. All I can say is ‘Thank God for Netflix’ because we only managed to make it to the cinema once this…

September Wrap-Up & October Targets

September is over, the summer is now a long distant memory and the Christmas stock has hit the shelves. Is anyone else a little freaked out by how quickly this year has gone? Normally, at this point in the month, I give you guys an overview of the previous month along with some targets for…

August Wrap Up & September Targets

After a rather slow start, August turned out to be a pretty great month. I was given offered my first collaboration piece, writing a review of the little indie film ‘Woodstock or Bust‘ for TriCoast Entertainment. I started work on my newest feature, catching up on some of the old classics that I have yet…

Love Popcorn Milestone: 100 Posts

When I first started this blog, I had no idea how it was going to go. Would I have anything interesting to say? Would I run out of ideas? Could I balance blogging with life and working full time? Luckily, I kept it up and a couple of days ago, nine months after starting my…

July Wrap-Up & August Targets

Another month is over, the kids have broken up for the Summer holidays and we’ll soon be talking about Christmas. Can you believe how quickly this year is going? Although I am not completely happy with how productive I have been this month, it is a definite improvement on June, and I even managed to…

June Wrap-up & July Targets

First off, I should apologise to all my followers because June was an absolutely shocking month for movies, with only one trip to the big screen all month!! I think the hot weather went to my head a bit, and I was well and truly in holiday mode. I even missed Dark Phoenix which was…

May Wrap Up & June Targets

I can’t believe how quick May has gone. It truly has been a ‘blink and you miss it’ type of month. Looking back, if I’m honest, I’m not really sure how I feel about how my month has gone. On the one hand, I have not written five posts that I had originally planned to in…

April Wrap-up & May Targets

Is it just me or did April just fly by? My fourth full month of blogging was by far my best; I’ve achieved my highest number of views so far and am steadily building up my followers on both WordPress and Twitter. It is amazing and humbling to see so many people are taking the…