Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Film Review

If you’ve read any of my recent Marvel reviews then you will already know that I have become completely disillusioned with the franchise as a whole, even to the point where I don’t even care about spoilers anymore – which is a huge deal for me – yet I still find myself trudging into the…

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) Film Review

The fact that I still haven’t finished the MCU’s series What If..? or Moon Knight and I couldn’t even motivate myself to write my reviews of Eternals (enjoyable but almost instantly forgettable) and Spider-Man: No Way Home (total shite – all nostalgia and very little else) are pretty good indications of just how completely bored…

The Batman (2022) Film Review

As someone who LOVED Matt Reeve’s two instalments of the Planet of the Apes trilogy, cites The Riddler as their favourite comic book villain and is married to a bonafide comic book nerd, it was hard not to get excited about Reeve’s take on the source material and the visualisation of Robert Pattinson in the…

Birds Of Prey (2020) Film Review

Although 2016’s Suicide Squad was a total disappointment, that didn’t get any better on a second viewing, there was one shining light in amongst all the crap: Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. But in much the same way that Gal Gadot’s standalone Wonder Woman didn’t quite live up to the character’s potential shown in Batman Vs…

Ten Films You Didn’t Know Were Based On Comic Books

Superheroes and comic books have long held a stigma for being ‘nerdy’ or ‘geeky’ but thanks to franchises such as the Batman trilogy, X-Men and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they have become more mainstream than ever. Despite a growing billion dollar popularity, there are some people who still shy away from the genre, perhaps believing…

Film Review: X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

I have always enjoyed the X-Men movies, they were my gateway into the world of superheroes, and considering X-Men: Apocalypse is my favourite of them all (unpopular opinion, I know), I was really looking forward to seeing where they went next. However, despite Dark Phoenix being one of my most highly anticipated releases of 2019 for one reason or…

Film Review: Joker (2019)

One of the things I enjoy most about cinema is that it goes through phases, with interesting trends developing over time. Where some drag on far too long (I’m talking about you – unnecessary remakes), others are a little more fleeting, and over the last eighteen months or so, some great trends have started to…

Film Review: Polar (2019)

Cinema, like all art forms, is subjective and personal, whilst the masses may love a film, you may hate it, or vice versa. The second film in our latest Netflix binge, Polar, is a perfect example of why it is important to take reviews with a pinch of salt, and make up your own mind….