Miss Americana (2020) Film Review

Taylor Swift seems to be the music industry’s version of Marmite. For those who love her, she can do wrong. For those who don’t, she can do no wrong. Although I am by no means, a superfan, I do like her music and even her biggest ‘haters’ have to admit that she has carved out a remarkable career for someone who is only just in her thirties.

However, as the saying goes, ‘the higher you are, the harder you fall’ and that was definitely was the case with Swift, who, following a public feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, massively fell out of public favour and disappeared for a year before making a spectacular comeback with her ‘Reputation’ album.

In this post, I review the 2020 documentary Taylor Swift: Miss Americana.
© 2019 – Netflix

Regardless of whether you are a fan of Swift’s music or not, it would be hard not to appreciate the talent that goes into writing her songs. I found it fascinating to see how her songwriting process works, how she takes her initial concept and plays around with words and tunes until she is happy with the finished product. For me, it added an extra element to the songs that we all know and love.

You would be forgiven to for thinking that Miss Americana is Swift’s attempt at repainting herself in a good light but there is actually very little detail about her more controversial moments. Now the cynics among you may be thinking “of course she’s not going to talk about something that makes her look bad” and I would be inclined to agree with you except there wasn’t a huge amount of detail about her big topical wins either. There was nothing about her conflicts with streaming services such as Apple and Spotify, and very little with regards to her sexual harassment lawsuit.

Taylor Swift: Miss Americana (2020)
© 2019 – Netflix

Given the current media climate, celebrities are put on such a high pedestal that it is difficult to see outside the box and take a look at the real person on the inside, and that is what makes this documentary such a good watch. The focus is not on Taylor the Star but Taylor the songwriter, the friend, the person.

Looking in from the outside it is easy to think, that with all that money and fame, Taylor Swift has nothing to worry about, however Miss Americana shows that Swift’s worries and insecurities are not that different from our own. She frankly discusses a constant need for approval, low self esteem and even touches upon a previously undisclosed eating disorder.

Taylor Swift is Miss Americana

Overall, this documentary helped me appreciate the fact that I experience my highs and lows only with those I choose to share them with. We may think that it would be amazing to be rich and famous but I don’t know how well any of us would actually be able to cope if our entire lives were plastered everywhere and if we had a crowd of people outside of our door every morning when we leave for work.

0 Comments Add yours

  1. amymayj says:

    I loved this – I’m biased as a full on Swiftie, but it genuinely made me appreciate Taylor on a whole new level. I felt genuine anger during the Kanye portion of the documentary and sadness in a number of others – particularly the part where she finds out Reputation was snubbed as a Grammy nominee and where she talks about her mother having cancer. The whole thing highlights just what a talented songwriter she is and I love the little moments where she shows that she’s human like the rest of us. Plus I love how her cats make regular appearances 🙂 x

    1. Kirsty T says:

      You’re right, I really felt for her during that Grammy part. It’s easy for us to forget that celebrities are real people but this really shows that they share the same insecurities that we do. A great watch 😀

  2. Silvia says:

    Hey what a coincidence, only just yesterday was watching something about Taylor on TV. Must have a look at this documentary, thanks!

    1. Kirsty T says:

      It’s really well done and not pushy or in your face. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading

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