73 Questions | Vogue Parody


’73 Questions’ is a feature in Vogue magazine, where they ask the biggest celebrities 73 quick-fire questions, however it has recently been doing the rounds within the blogging community and is a great way to learn the little things about the people behind the blog. I was nominated by the lovely Sassy Cat Lady, Amy – check out her blog here and the amazing Tinka over at Tinkablee.com.

So without further ado, here are my answers to the 73 questions….

1.What’s your usual Starbucks order? I am not a lover of hot drinks so would usually go for a bottle of Diet Coke, but at a push I will drink a hot chocolate in the winter.

2.What does your workstation look like? I like to keep it ordered and tidy, with minimal clutter.

3.Favourite food? Chinese takeaway.

4. Favourite author? James Patterson

5. What do you think of open relationships? Not for me, but for other people, who am I to judge.

6.What is your favourite video game? Skyrim, closely followed by Tomb Raider and Assassins Creed.

7. Guilty pleasure treat? Squirty cream straight from the can.

8. Favourite movie? Depends on my mood but you can’t go wrong with Dirty Dancing or LotR.

9. Favourite book? The Harry Potter series, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve read them.

10. Twitter or Instagram? I don’t use Instagram so definitely Twitter.

11. Desktop or laptop? I use a laptop but if we had the space for a desktop, I would definitely get one.

12. Best advice you’ve ever received? I can’t decide on the best advice but the most recent I’ve been given was from a guide on our trip to Norway, he said “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes’.

13. What project are you working on right now? I need to catch up on some of my blog posts and go to the cinema more for some new ideas.

14. Favourite colour? Some will argue it’s not a colour but black.

15. Did you get good grades in school? Yes, I was a teacher’s pet… and proud of it!

16. Dream job? I don’t really have a dream job tbh, although my work colleagues do say I’ll make a good PA so…

17. Play any sports? Not since I left school, although I was really sporty as a child/teenager.

18. Do you have a degree? No. I left Uni part way through my second year.

19. Nationality? British

20. What’s your favourite kind of blog post? I love top tens, they are fun to write and have the potential to open up some great discussions.

21. What do you like to collect? Since me and Mark have been together, we have started to collect Christmas decorations. Something that is special for each year. The idea is that when we are old, our tree will be full of memories to look back on.

22. Describe yourself in three words. Short, kind and a little bit kooky.

23. If you were a rapper, what would your stage name be? No idea!!

24. Who is the last person you DM’d? A Twitter friend, trying to arrange a monthly fitness challenge for next month. Now I’ve told you all, I have to do it 🙂

25. what’s on top of your wish list right now? Another holiday!!

26. Sorting House? Rather surprisingly I’ve never done a sorting quiz, so I don’t know. I would like to think I am a healthy combination of all four Houses.

27. How many tattoos do you have? Only one – on my back (I know, I know). And I hate it, I regretted it almost as soon as I got it done.

28. What are you most grateful for this year? My health and happiness. Mark, Luna and my mum.

29. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this month? I have just come back from an amazing trip to Norway, which also coincided with Mark’s 30th birthday.

30. What’s the best thing to happen to you today? I treated myself to a tea of baked camembert, caramelised onion chutney and all the trimmings. Diet starts again tomorrow.

31. What’s the best thing ever? Sunsets.

32. Favourite season? Summer

33. Favourite holiday? Christmas

34. What fictional character do you relate to the most? Ooh tough one. Used to be Hermione Granger, now it’s probably more likely to be Luna Lovegood 🙂

35. Do you like surprises? Yes!

36. What is the best surprise you’ve ever had? When Mark proposed to me during a trip to London.

37. Which surprise made you cry? Yep, Mark’s proposal.

38. What’s the best surprise you’ve given someone else? I love making hampers for Christmas and birthdays, they’re full of little gifts and surprises. Did a great one for my mum’s 40th and Mark’s 30th.

39.Do you like muffins? Yes, especially lemon muffins.

40. Do you cook often? I do, but I tend to cook the same things all the time. Our kitchen is too small to be too adventurous, plus I hate washing up!

41. What is your favourite dessert? Christmas pudding with condensed milk. Mark usually gets me one for my birthday cake (my birthday’s the beginning of November).

42. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Trifle and profiteroles.

43. Cake or pie? Probably pie. Hot cherry pie with chocolate ice cream….. yum.

44. What’s your least favourite food? Roast potatoes!!

45. What’s your favourite condiment? Depends on what I’m eating it with but I am partial to a bit of French mustard or mayo.

46. It’s 4am on a random Saturday, what are you eating? Freshly opened Crunchy Nut Cornflakes with ice-cold milk.

47. If you could teach a college class, what would it be called? Movie Marathons 101 – it would just be watching films for the whole term. Easy pass, haha.

48. Best animated film? That’s not fair! I can’t pick a favourite.

49. What has a guy said or done to impress you? When I was 10, two boys clubbed together to buy me the Spice Girls album on cassette. Too sweet.

50. Best thing to do on a first date? Be yourself.

51. Worst thing to do on a first date? Click your fingers at the waiter, or any bad manners in general.

52. What’s the best pick up line? For me, probably something like “Can I buy you a Chinese takeaway?”

53. Best comic book character? Another tough one, it would probably have to be someone like Batman or Rorschach.

54. Name three things that can always be found in your purse? Drivers licence, my Odeon Limitless card and a collection of old receipts.

55. Favourite drink? I always drink Diet Coke but my absolute favourite is full fat Cherry Coke, ice-cold.

56. If you could play a historical character in a movie, who would it be? I’m going to be a bit boring and say someone like Emmeline Pankhurst or Amelia Earhart.

57. Kittens or puppies? Puppies and kittens.


58. Favourite sushi roll? I like sushi but have no idea what the names are!

59. What lipstick do you use? None.

60. What foundation do you use? None.

61. Blow dry or air dry? Blow dry but I’m too lazy so I usually air dry.

62. Who is your fashion icon? I can’t say I really have one but I do like the styles of Laurel Lance in Arrow (Katie Cassidy) and Rachel Zane in Suits (Meghan Markle).  

63. Favourite Disney character? Another toughie but probably Sadness from Inside Out.

64. What are you doing tomorrow? I have a job interview actually! Instead of preparing for it though, I’m writing this post!!

65. Movie you laughed the hardest through? Dodgeball, my mum and I were in stitches.

66. Movie that made you cry? There’s too many, I am a happy and sad crier when it comes to movies. The most recent though was Avengers: Endgame.

67. If you could sing a duet with anybody, who would it be? Ed Sheeran. One because he is amazing, and two, because he is good enough to hide how terrible I am.

68. If your life was a song, what would the title be? It can’t rain all the time.

69. What’s your favourite animal? My cat, Luna.

70. Favourite illustrator? Probably Quentin Blake, I was a big fan of Roald Dahl as a child.

71. Person you’d like to have coffee with? Anna Kendrick. I think we’d get on really well and I think she’d be a hilarious person to people watch with.

72. What country would you like to visit? America, Canada, New Zealand. So many.

73. Best way to decompress? Very hot shower, a good movie and snuggles on the sofa.

No obligations people, but my nominations goes to these fine bloggers…. (check out their blogs, they’re awesome).

Sarah – Sarah’s Cake Blog

Stephen – Cover and Character

Roxanne – An Average Life

NS Ford – NS Ford Writer

Anna – The Reel Anna

Grace – Grace Olympic

Hannah – Pages, Places and Plates

Claire – The Reading Nook


0 Comments Add yours

  1. This is wild, around 50% of my answers are exactly the same and the rest are total opposites! We want the xmas decs thing too. We should post about them this year. I cant wait to join in this tag! X

    1. Do. We do the xmas decs thing.

    2. Kirsty T says:

      Sounds good, it’ll be good to compare lol. I can’t wait to read your post when you do it 😀 x

  2. annieinwander says:

    I love this!! Might add something similar to my blog so my readers get a bit of insight about me. It’s great learning about other members of the blogging community!

    Annie – annieinwanderlust.com

    1. Kirsty T says:

      Yeah, I wouldn’t want to do posts like this all the time but they are great fun every now and again. Have you seen my A-Z post? That is also a fun post idea, and surprisingly difficult to write.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Nice to get to know you better. And thanks for giving me a shot out at the end, very much appreciated. In a bit of a slump blogging wise at the mo, but maybe I’ll uses this as a kickstarter again. 😁

    1. Kirsty T says:

      Sorry to hear you’re in a bit of a slump, hopefully you will get back into it soon. 🤞

  4. nsfordwriter says:

    Thank you ♥
    Adorable cat! Good answers 🙂
    I don’t even have a local Starbucks, incredible though it seems.

    1. Kirsty T says:

      Me either to be honest, we’ve got Costa 😀. She is adorable, most of the time 😂

  5. amymayj says:

    Really enjoyed reading this! I LOVE your Christmas decorations idea – such a lovely way to look back on each year!

    1. Kirsty T says:

      It is lovely. Decorating the tree is great anyway but this just makes it even more special.

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