Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Film Review

Cast your mind back to 2009… British author Terry Pratchett received a knighthood, America had their first African-American President and Glee burst onto our TV screens in a blur of problematic storylines and surprisingly catchy covers and in the world of cinema, James Cameron released what would become the top grossing film of all time…

Dune (2021) Film Review

According to Wikipedia, Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel ‘Dune’ is widely considered to be the world’s best-selling science fiction novel and has already spawned one failed attempt at a film adaptation – from Oscar-nominated director David Lynch no less. Thirty-seven years later, Denis Villeneuve takes up the challenge and despite his Dune being one of the…

Voyagers (2021) Film Review

From invading aliens attacking the White House to a runaway virus turning the world into flesh-eating zombies to forcing children to fight each other to the death for the entertainment of the rich and wealthy, catastrophe and global destruction is not really anything new in the world of cinema but one common concept is becoming…

Men In Black: International (2019) Film Review

After Will Smith’s surprisingly successful revival of the Men in Black franchise back in 2012 – oh, how time flies – it makes sense that they would want to capitalise on that success and continue the franchise with some younger, on-trend talent, and given their playful chemistry in Thor: Ragnarok, Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson…

What Happened To Monday (2017) Film Review

With the world projected to have 8.5 billion people by the end of the decade, I don’t think anybody can argue the fact that our planet has a massive population problem. The idea of restricting the number of children born to reduce humanity’s impact on the planet’s resources is not exactly new, China implemented a…