Don’t Look Up (2021)

Although Adam McKay’s previous offering, Vice, managed to rack up an impressive eight Oscar nominations, including one win, it didn’t exactly go down as much of a fan favourite – unlike his earlier films, including Anchorman and Step Brothers, that have developed quite a cult following – although personally I really enjoyed it, it even…

Film Review: Death To 2020 (2020)

If anyone can put a humerous spin on the rollercoaster year that was 2020 it’s Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker, and I have to say his satirical mockumentary Death to 2020 definitely delivers. Given the sheer volume of unbelievable shit that happened last year, Death to 2020 ran the risk of becoming too crowded and…

Film Review: Jojo Rabbit (2019)

I honestly didn’t think we were ever going to get round to watching this film despite both of us being pretty excited about it. From me finishing work too late for us to get to the cinema on time, to one (or both) of us being too lazy to even leave the house, to the…